Our Expertise
“Providing High-Level, Value-Added Customer Service”
Cargo Consultation Services
A Full-Service, Comprehensive Consultation Package Offering Focal Point Delivery.
Airline Representation Services
A Full-Service, Comprehensive Airline Representation Package Offering Focal Point Delivery.
Other Key Services
Customer Representation - Air Operations
A beneficial service ensuring the customer is represented during handling of their product during air transportation, enabling a direct point of contact throughout wholescale operations “end-end”, whilst also acting as an insurance policy, supervising / managing customer product, minimising damages & “LIVE” reporting / documenting process, incidents and accidents.
RORO Assistance (Roll on / Roll off)
Providing qualified & approved personnel to operate the physical vehicle movements & processes during onloading & offloading vehicles to/from Airframes.
Limiting incidents, accidents & liabilities ensuring correct safety / restraint methods & increasing product integrity.
Onboard Fly Riding
As part of the “end-end” service provision.
Flying onboard with operating airline, providing inclusive customer representation and operational coverage, departure - destination, combining representation & RORO / product handling services.
NAVI Enterprise Ltd strive to deliver service line products in support towards the customer on our clear service line focus strategy below:
Our Continuous Service Level Commitment